Faculty & Staff:Chia-Yen Lin 林佳燕



Chia-Yen Lin
林 佳 燕
English Group

TEL 電話番号 :
03-463-8800 # 2746

E-mail メール :

Education 学位 :
Ph.D. in Linguistics, Lancaster University, UK
ランカスター大学言語学 博士

Research Expertise 専門分野 :
Speech analysis, corpus linguistics, pragmatics, professional English

Teaching Areas 授業領域 :
Speech analysis, corpus linguistics, pragmatics, professional English

1Chia-Yen Lin, Ken Lau and Jacob Cousineau. (Accept). Perceptions of the use of modifiers in lectures. ELT Journal. (SSCI)
2Ken Lau & Chia-Yen Lin. (2017). Internationalization of Higher Education and Language Policy: The Case of a Bilingual University in Taiwan. Higher Education. (SSCI)
3Chia-Yen Lin. (2017). ‘I see absolutely nothing wrong with that in fact I think...’: Functions of modifiers in shaping dynamic relationships in dissertation defenses. Journal of English for Academic Purposes. (SSCI)
4Ken Lau, Jacob Cousineau & Chia-Yen Lin. (2016). The use of modifiers in English-medium lectures by native speakers of Mandarin Chinese: A study of student perceptions. Journal of English for Academic Purposes. (SSCI)
5Chia-Yen Lin. (2015). An exploratory comparison of the use of modifiers by native speakers of English and Mandarin Chinese in academic lectures. Text & Talk, 35(1), 77-100. (SSCI)
6Chia-Yen Lin. (2015). Seminars and interactive lectures as a community of knowledge co-construction: The use of modifiers. English for Specific Purposes, 38, 99-108. (SSCI)
7Ken Lau & Chia-Yen Lin. (2014). The Role of English as a Lingua Franca in Social Integration: The Case of the International Students of a Taiwan University. The Asian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 1, 36-49.
8Yi-Chen Chen, Chia-Yen Lin & Shuchang Lin. (2014). EFL Learners’cognitive styles as a factor in the development of metaphoric competence. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 5(3), 698-707.
9Reena Maskara, Ken Lau & Chia-Yen Lin. (2014). A Comparative Study of Recommendation Letters Issued by Indian and British Authors. Voices in Asia, 1(1), 1-17.
10Chia-Yen Lin. (2012). Modifiers in BASE and MICASE: A matter of academic cultures or lecturing styles? English for Specific Purposes, 117-126. (SSCI)
11Chia-Yen Lin. (2010). ‘. . . that’s actually sort of you know trying to get consultants in . . .’: Functions and multifunctionality of modifiers in academic lectures. Journal of Pragmatics, 42(5), 1173-1183. (SSCI)


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