About:International University


Akita International University Exchange in Japan – Miko

Required ability

Motivation should be clear to sign up for the exchange. JLPT or TOEIC scores are needed. Not many students applied for this exchange because the university is not located in a big city. You can bravely practice Japanese speaking and listening and get in touch with the Japanese environment early.


Course Content

The courses are divided into three levels, and the junior level can choose the first to junior levels. In a class that I took, Japanese students reported on TED videos, discussing the concept of love between Taiwanese and Japanese. Akita International University’s rank is very high in Japan and also focuses on teaching in English. Therefore, local students and exchange students interact in English. Most special is that the teaching method is mainly led by the students. The teacher just provided advice and guides. Japanese students also interacted with us after classes.


Recommended reason

The department not only provides a five-day exchange but also one-semester or one-year exchanges to Akita International University. You can first come to see the environment in advance in a short exchange to ensure that you still want to have a long-term exchange because the traffic is inconvenient. It takes a long time to transfer from the airport to the school, and there is not much nearby amusement. In this environment, it is a good time to study hard in this school. If you go to Japan to exchange, you should practice speaking and listening more. With a good environment, you can have many chances to practice. Miko met the exchange students in Japan and kept in touch for a long time.