Faculty & Staff:Full-time Professor




Tsui-Hua Wu 

Japanese Group

● Research Expertise: Folk literature, songs, children's literature, Chinese and Japanese teaching

● Teaching Areas: Japanese Children’s Literature, Japanese Literature and Culture, Japanese Studies, Japanese Pronunciation, Japanese Internship, Japanese for Beginners, Advanced Japanese

● TEL : 03-463-8800 # 2735

● E-mail : gosuika@saturn.yzu.edu.tw

 Detailed Introduction ▶


I-Chung Ke

Department Director

Research Expertise: Globalization and Education, Global English, Intercultural Communication, and English as a Lingua Franca

Teaching Areas: Research Methods, Intercultural Communication, English and Globalization, Curriculum Design

● TEL : 03-463-8800 # 2733

● E-mail: ichungke@saturn.yzu.edu.tw

 Detailed Introduction ▶


Chia-Yen Lin

Director of International Language & Culture Center

● Research Expertise: Pragmatics, English for academic purposes, corpus linguistics, discourse markers

● Teaching Areas: Academic writing, corpus linguistics, pragmatics, professional English

● TEL : 03-463-8800 # 2746

● E-mail: cylin@saturn.yzu.edu.tw

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Kazuaki Nakazawa

Japanese Group

● Research Expertise: Foreign Language Professor, Second Foreign Language Writing, Second Foreign Language Acquisition, Computer Assisted Language Learning

● Teaching Areas: Applied Linguistics

● TEL : 03-463-8800 # 2737

● E-mail: nakazawa@saturn.yzu.edu.tw

 Detailed Introduction ▶


Hsiu-Chuan Liao

Japanese Group

● Research Expertise: Japanese Modern and Contemporary Literature, Showa Literature, Studies of Foreign Literature in the Japanese Colonial Period

● Teaching Areas: Japanese Modern and Contemporary Literature, Showa Literature, Foreign Literature, Japanese Visual Translation, Listening, Introduction to Japanese Society and Japanese Culture

● TEL : 03-463-8800 # 2745

● E-mail: popo417@saturn.yzu.edu.tw

Detailed Introduction ▶


Yi-Chen Chen

English Group

● Research Expertise: English teaching theory. Second language acquisition. Cognitive semantics. Metaphor and metaphor

● Teaching Areas: English Teaching. Applied Linguistics

● TEL : 03-463-8800 # 2728

● E-mail: yicc@saturn.yzu.edu.tw

Detailed Introduction ▶


Yun-Ju Hsueh

Japanese Group

● Research Expertise: An Analysis of English, Japanese and Chinese Comparisons, Extensive Reading in Japanese

● Teaching Areas: Japanese listening and translation

● TEL : 03-463-8800 # 2738

● E-mail: connie@saturn.yzu.edu.tw

Detailed Introduction ▶


Yun-Hsien Liang       

Japanese Group

● Research Expertise: Japanese Culture and Literature, Edo Culture and Literature, Comparative Cultural Literature, Graphics, Taiwanese Studies

● Teaching Areas: Japanese Culture, Japanese Literature and Culture

● TEL : 03-463-8800 # 2736

● E-mail: tamasato@saturn.yzu.edu.tw

Detailed Introduction ▶


Yu-Lin Chen

English Group

● Research Expertise: Educational Technology, English Teaching, Chinese Language Teaching, Curriculum Design

● Teaching Areas: Educational Technology, English Teaching, Chinese Language Teaching, Curriculum Design

● TEL : 03-463-8800 # 2731

● E-mail: ylc0828@saturn.yzu.edu.tw

Detailed Introduction ▶




● Research Expertise : Business English, phonological awareness, teaching young learners of a second language, age and second language acquisition

● TEL : 03-463-8800 # 3251

● E-mail : rolf@saturn.yzu.edu.tw

詳細介紹 ▶

應外系:Sterling 師德霖 


● Research Expertise : English conversation, linguistics, translation, English composition, public speaking

● TEL : 03-463-8800 # 3256

● E-mail : sterlingswallow@saturn.yzu.edu.tw

詳細介紹 ▶

應外系:Angela 安琪拉 


● Research Expertise : oral communication, news and media English, discourse analysis, pragmatics

● TEL : 03-463-8800 # 3252

● E-mail : angeladiaz_49@saturn.yzu.edu.tw

詳細介紹 ▶

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Trey Hairston 

● Research Expertise : Verbal Communication,Business Education, Public Speaking, Communications

● TEL : 03-463-8800 # 3253

● E-mail : ttreyhairston@saturn.yzu.edu.tw

詳細介紹 ▶