Faculty & Staff:I-Chung Ke 柯宜中



I-Chung Ke
柯 宜 中

TEL 電話番号 :
03-463-8800 # 2733

E-mail メール :

Education 学位 :
University of Illinois, Department of Curriculum and Teaching, USA Doctor of the University of Illinois, Department of Curriculum and Teaching, Taiwan University of Business Administration, Business Administration, Bachelor of Business Administration
イリノイ大学教育課程学科 博士
イリノイ大学教育課程学科 修士

Research Expertise 専門分野 :
Cultural Globalization and Education, Global English, Research Methods, and English as Common Languages

Teaching Areas 授業領域 :
Research Methods, Intercultural Communication Research, English and Globalization, Sightseeing English

1Ke, I. & Lin, S.-M. (2017). A translanguaging approach to TESOL in Taiwan. English Language Teaching(英語教學),41(1), 33-61. (TSSCI) (ISSN: 1023-7267)
2Huang, C.-Y. & Ke, I. (2016). Parents’ perspectives on adopting English names in Taiwan. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 37(8), 849-861. (AHCI, SSCI) (ISSN: 0143-4632)
3Ke, I. (2016). Deficient NNS or translanguager? Identity struggles in a multilingual multimodal ELF online intercultural exchange (OIE). Journal of Asia Pacific Communication, 26(2), 280-300. [ESCI, MLA] (ISSN: 0957-6851)
4Ke, I. (2015). A global language without a global culture: From Basic English to global English. English as a Global Language Education, 1, 65-87. (ISSN: 1027-9962)
5Wu, K.-H. & Ke, I. (2014). Global English and world culture: A case study of the subjective worlds of English teachers in Taiwan. Arab World English Journal, 5(4), 172-186. (ISSN: 2229-9327)
6Ke, I. (2014). The Impacts of English on Taiwan’s elementary curriculum: Homeroom teachers’ perspectives. Transnational Curriculum Inquiry, 11(2), 26-48. (ISSN: 1449-8855)
7Ke, I. & Cahyani, H. (2014). Learning to become users of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF): How ELF online communication affects Taiwanese learners’ beliefs of English. System, 46, 28-38. (SSCI) (ISSN: 0346-251X)
8Ke, I., & Kuo, Y. (2013). The application of bilingual menus and vendors' perceptions in the night markets of university areas in Taiwan. Journal of Tourism and Travel Research (觀光旅遊研究學刊), 8(2), 37-58. (ISSN: 1993-6362)
9Ke, I. (2012). English as a lingua franca (ELF) in intercultural communication: Findings from ELF online projects and implications for Taiwan’s ELT. Taiwan Journal of TESOL, 9(2), 63-94. (ISSN: 1814-9448)
10Ke, I. (2012). From EFL to English as an international and scientific language: Analyzing Taiwan’s high school English textbooks 1952-2009. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 25(2), 173-187. (SSCI, AHCI) (ISSN: 0790-8318)
11Ke, I. (2011). NNS-NNS online intercultural communication: A sustainable practice to teach global English and develop intercultural communicative competence. Journal of Applied English, 4, 33-45. (ISSN: 1999-9380)
12Ke, I., & Suzuki, T. (2011). Teaching Global English with NNS-NNS online communication. The Journal of Asia TEFL, 8(2), 109-130. (ISSN: 1738-3102)
13Ke, I. (2011). Teaching global English with reciprocal same-level peer sharing (RSPS). Ching Yun Journal of Applied Foreign Language Studies(清雲應用外語研究), 145-173. (ISSN: 2220-1742)
14Ke, I. (2010). Global English and world culture: A study of Taiwanese university students' worldviews and conceptions of English. Journal of English as an International Language, 5, 81-100. (ISSN: 1718-2301)
15Ke, I. (2010). Globalization and global English: Panacea or poison for ELT in Taiwan? Taiwan Journal of TESOL, 7(1), 1-28. (ISSN: 1814-9448)
16Wu, K. & Ke, I. (2009). Haunting Native Speakerism? Students’ Perceptions toward Native Speaking English Teachers in Taiwan. English Language Teaching, 2(3), 44-52. (ISSN: 1916-4742)
17Ke, I. (2008). Interpret Taiwan’s curriculum reform in the global context: A world institutional perspective. 中正教育研究, 7(1), 29-62. (ISSN: 1683-9552)
18Ke, I. & Wu, M. (2008). Global Englishes in a globalized world. Tamsui Oxford Journal of Ar(真理大學人文學報)t, v. 6, 209-224. (ISSN: 1727-7647)
19Ke, I. (2008). World culture and experienced primary school teachers’ understanding of educational changes in Taiwan. Teaching and Teacher Education, 24(1), 26-42. (SSCI) (ISSN: 0742-051X)
20Ke, I. (2007). Globalization and educational reform in New Zealand. Studies in International Cultures(國際文化研究), 3(2), 81-101. (ISSN: 1815-6576)
21Ke, I. & Wu, K. (2007). Globalization as converging means and diverging ends. Tamkang Journal of International Affairs(淡江國際研究), XI(I), 87-111. (ISSN: 1027-4979)
22柯宜中 (2017)。跨文化溝通融入通識英語課程。載於黃淑真(主編),教英文,跨文化 (37-55 頁)。臺北市:政大出版社。(ISBN:9789869543606)
23柯宜中 (2011)。五十多年來高中英文教材中文化與英語角色之演變。教育研究月刊,206,78-92。 (ISSN: 1680-6360)
24吳坤暉,柯宜中,張其羽 (2008)。學生對中外籍英文教師教學策略之認知與分析, 真理大學人文學報, 6,139-153。(ISSN: 1727-7647)


1Ke, I. (2017). Intercultural communication for English learners. Taipei: Crane. (ISBN: 9789861477657)


1Ke, I. How ELF online intercultural exchanges influence students’ intercultural sensitivity and attitudes toward English. Paper presented at The 10th International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF10), University of Helsinki, Finland, June 12-15, 2017.
2Ke, I. Translanguaging or code-mixing? Examining Taiwanese and Japanese students’mixed utterances in multimodal online communication. Paper presented at the Thirty-third annual Conference on English Teaching and Learning, National Changhua University of Education, Changhua, May 28-29, 2016.
3Ke, I. Miscommunications in an English as multilingual franca online exchange project. Paper presented at 2016 Aletheia Conference on “Foreign Language Teaching and Cross-Cultural Studies” (真理大學第十屆外國語文教學與跨文化研究學術研討會), Tamsui, Taipei, May 7, 2016.
4Ke, I. From structuralist ELT to translanguaging: Reconstructing communicative repertoires and linguistic identities in ELF online exchange. Symposium Paper presented at the fourth International conference on Language, Education and Diversity (LED 2015), University of Auckland, New Zealand, November 23-26, 2015.
5Ke, I. Translingual practice in ELT: Learner agency and identity. Paper presented at the Thirty-second annual Conference on English Teaching and Learning, NTNU, Taipei, May 23-24, 2015.
6Ke, I. Translingualism, translanguaging, and corpora: Challenges and implications. Paper presented at Engcorpora 2015: English Linguistics and Corpora International Conference, Paris, April 8-10, 2015.
7Ke, I. Dissolving the linguistic boundaries: Multilingual multimodal online communication. Paper presented at Christians in English Language Teaching (CELT) Conference, Taipei, May 24-25, 2014.
8Ke, I The impact of English on elementary education in Taiwan: Perspectives from homeroom teachers. Paper presented at the Thirty-first annual Conference on English Teaching and Learning, Chung Yuan Christian University, Jhongli, Taiwan, May 17-18, 2014.
9Suzuki, T. & Ke, I. A multilingual and multimodal exchange project between Japanese and Taiwanese university students. Paper presented at the International conference: Telecollaboration in University Foreign Language Education, University of Leon, Spain, Feb 12-14, 2014.
10Ke, I. & Lechner, T. English as a Lingua Franca Online Exchange Project: Collaboration between English Teachers in Japan and Taiwan. Paper presented at the 52th annual conference of the Japan Association of College English Teachers (JACET), Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, August 30-September 1, 2013.
11Ke, I., Lin, C., & Lin, S. Language identities in a multilingual online exchange project. Paper presented at the Thirtieth annual Conference on English Teaching and Learning, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, May 18-19, 2013.
12Ke, I. Empowering L2 English learners: Cultivating their “voices” and inner connections with English. Paper presented at Ninth annual CamTESOL Conference, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, February 23-24, 2013.
13Ke, I. Second Identity Acquisition/Development/Construction. Paper presented at Tenth Asia TEFL International Conference, New Delhi, India, October 4-6, 2012.
14Ke, I. English as a lingua franca (ELF) in intercultural communication: Findings from online projects of YZU students with Japanese, Turkish, and Indonesian students. Paper presented at 18th Annual Conference of International Association of Intercultural Communication Studies, Yuan-Ze University, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan, June 6-8, 2012
15Ke, I. Reconceptualizing English? How NNS-NNS online communications affect students’conceptions of English. Paper presented at 17th Annual Conference of International Association of World Englishes, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, November 23-25, 2011.
16Ke, I. The changing roles of English: Analyzing intercultural lessons in Taiwan’shigh school English textbooks and learning magazines from 1952 to 2009. Paper presented at 2011 International Conference on EFL Education Tradition and Innovation, National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan, May 28, 2011.
17Ke, I. NNS-NNS online intercultural communication: A sustainable practice to teach global English and develop intercultural communicative competence. Paper presented at the 2011 International Conference and Workshop on TEFL & Applied Linguistics at Ming Chuan University, Taoyuan, March 10-12, 2011.
18Ke, I. & Suzuki, T. Teaching Global English with NNS-NNS online communication. Paper presented at the Eighth Asia TEFL International Conference, Hanoi, Vietnam, August 6-8, 2010.
19Ke, I. The Trajectory of Globalization in Curriculum: Analyzing Taiwan’s high school English textbooks 1952-2009. Paper presented at International Conference on Global Education and Curriculum Innovation (2010 全 球教 育 與課 程 創新 國際學術研討會), Taipei, June 26-27, 2010.
20Ke, I. Teaching Global English with Reciprocal Same-Level Peer Sharing (RSPS). International Conference on Applied Foreign Language Studies, Ching-Yun University (清雲科技大學 2010 應用外語國際學術研討會), Jhongli, Taoyuan, May 28, 2010.
21Ke, I. A Global Language Without a Global Culture: Revisiting the idea of a common language and global English. Paper presented at 2010 Aletheia Conference on “Foreign Language Teaching and Cross-Cultural Studies” (真理大學第四屆外國語文教學與跨文化研究學術研討會), Tamsui, Taipei, May 22, 2010.
22Ke, I. Global English and World Culture: A study of Taiwanese university students’worldviews and concepts of English. Paper presented at the International Conference on English as an International Language, Izmir, Turkey, October 15-17, 2009.
23Ke, I. To what extent can we trust Taiwan’s university students’self and peer assessment for group works in ELT courses? Paper presented at ELT and Cross-culture Studies Conference (英語文教學與跨文化研究學術研討會) at Aletheia University, Tamsui, May 30, 2009.
24Ke, I. Internationalization and globalization: Panacea or poison for ELT in Taiwan? Paper presented at 2009 International Conference on English Learning and Teaching (英語文教學國際學術研討會) at Chinese Culture University, Taipei, May 2, 2009.
25Ke, I. Reciprocal Same-Level Peer Sharing (RSPS) in English Learning and Teaching at the Tertiary Level. Paper presented at ELT and Cross-culture Studies Conference (英語文教學與跨文化研究學術研討會) at Aletheia University, Tamsui, May 3, 2008.
26Ke, I. World Culture and Global English: Teaching English in the Contemporary Globalization Era. Paper presented at TEFL International Conference at National Taichung University, Taichung, November 24, 2007.


Research Plan
1Principle Investigator, Ministry of Science and Technology book writing Project“Globalization and English education in Taiwan全球化與台灣英語教育” (MOST 106-2410-H-155-027 MY2)
2Principle Investigator, Ministry of Science and Technology Project “Tracking the globalization of English in Taiwan’s secondary education: A historical analysis of English tests
of university and high school entrance exams” (MOST 105-2410-H-155-045) [2016.8.1~2017.7.31]
3Principle Investigator, Ministry of Science and Technology Project “English in local linguistic repertoires: Tracking the English spread in readers’ comments in Taiwanese newspapers” (MOST 104-2410-H-155-033) [2015.8.1-2016.8.31]
4Principle Investigator, Ministry of Science and Technology Project “Foreign language teaching based on multilingual and multimodal distance communication projects (3): L2 confidence, language attitudes, and self-perceived identity in code-mixing.” (MOST 103-2410-H-155-037) [2014.8.1-2015.7.31]
5Principle Investigator, National Science Council Project “Foreign language teaching based on multilingual and multimodal distance communication projects (2): L2 confidence, language attitudes, and self-perceived identity.” (NSC 102-2410-H-155-018) [2013.8.1-2014.7.31]
6Principle Investigator, National Science Council Project “The impacts of English on Taiwan's elementary school: Homeroom teachers’ perspective” (NSC 101-2410-H-155-038) [2012.8.1-2013.9.31]
7Principle Investigator, National Science Council Project “Teaching global English: How diversified readings and online interactions between nonnatives influence students’conceptions of English” (NSC 99-2410-H-155 -042) [2010.8.1-2011.7.31]
8Principle Investigator, National Science Council Project “World culture, global English, and English learning materials in high school: A historical study of English textbooks and learning magazines.” (NSC 98-2410-H-155 -041) [2009.8.1-2010.7.31]
9Principle Investigator, National Science Council Project “World culture and global English: Exploring the inner worlds of English teachers in Taiwan.” (NSC 95-2411-H-156-002) [2006.12. 01—2007. 7. 31]