系所成員:楊薇雲 專任師資介紹



楊 薇 雲

03-463-8800 # 2729


英國倫敦大學英文研究所 博士



1Wei-Yun Yang, "The Third Principle: Mythological and Religious Allusions in Salman Rushdie''s Midnight''s Children", Literaria: an International Journal of New Literature Across the World, vol. 4 (1) pp.63~76, 2014/06
2楊薇雲, "證悟的心:萊辛小說中佛法修行次第初探", 中外文學, vol. 33 (10) pp.99~119, 2005/03
3楊薇雲, "印度神話的現代變奏曲-魯西迪《午夜之子》現代與傳統的連結", 世界宗教學刊, vol. 第六期,pp.1-37 (6) pp.1~37, 2005/12


1Wei-Yun Yang, "The Formation of Identity Changes through Performance Of Different Cultural Roles in Bharati Mukherjee’s Jasmine", 第五屆印度學學術研討會, pp.1~10, 2011/11
2Wei-Yun Yang, "The Meta-Fictional Re-Construction of a Woman''s Gendered Identity: Doris Lessing''s The Memoirs of a Survivor", Contemporary Women's Writing: (Wo)Man and the Body (The Fourth Biennial International Conference of the Contemporary Women’s Writing Association), pp.1~6, 2012/07
3Wei-Yun Yang, "Raajnetti (a 2010 Indian political thriller film): A Modern Adaptation of the Ancient Indian Epic, The Mahabharata", 第二屆梵學與佛學研討會, pp.na~na, 2012/11
4Wei-Yun Yang, "The Third Principle: a Study of Mythological and Religious Allusions in Salman Rushdie''s Midnight''s Children", De-territorializing Diversities: Cultures, Literature and Languages of the Indigenous, pp.na~na, 2013/02
5Wei-Yun Yang, "Canopus in Argos: Ancient Wisdom in Dialogue with Violence", 15th International Conference of the Utopian Studies Society: Utopia and Nonviolence, pp.na~na, 2014/07
6Wei-Yun Yang, "The Journey to/with God: the Numinous Experiences in Yann Martel’s Life of Pi", 第六屆印度學學術研討會, pp.na~na, 2013/12
7Wei-Yun Yang, "Allusions from Mahabharata in Shashi Tharoor''''s The Great Indian Novel", 第七屆印度學學術會議, pp.1~8, 2015/12
8Wei-Yun Yang, "A Quest of the Self in Relation with the Other: Doris Lessing''s The Marriages between Zones Three, Four, and Five", NTU - ANU - UNISA Gender Studies Symposium 2017, pp.na~na, 2017/06
9楊薇雲, "證悟的心:萊辛小說中佛法修行次第初探", 第二十八屆全國比較文學會議, pp.163~175, 2004/05
10楊薇雲, "The Enlightened Mind: The Mapping of the Progressive Stages of Buddhist Practice in Doris Lessing's Fiction", Thirty-Sixth Annual Conference of the College English Association, pp.N/A, 2005/04
11楊薇雲, "黑暗之心:從萊辛的《第五個孩子》中的異己關係談起", 思維詮釋表達學術研討會, pp.10~13, 2005/06
12楊薇雲, "A Variation of Hindu Mythology in Salman Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children", Crossroads Conference at Istanbul Bilgi University, pp.N/A, 2006/07


楊薇雲, "Science and Myth: Re-imagination of the Future in Ursula Le Guin's The Left Hand of Darkness and The Dispossessed", Imagining the Future: Utopia, Dystopia and Science Fiction, Monash University Victoria, Australia, pp.N/A, 2005/12
14楊薇雲, "The Reincarnation in Little Buddha: Its Spiritual Significance in the Modern World", The Film Scene: Cinema, the Arts, and Social Change, University of Hong Kong, pp.N/A, 2006/04
15楊薇雲, "The Unlocking of the Imprisoned Consciousness of the Imprinted Memory: An Analysis of Beloved from Buddhist’s Perspective", Southeastern Regional Meeting 2006 of Amercian Academy of Religion, pp.N/A, 2006/03
16楊薇雲, "印度神話的變奏曲:魯西迪《午夜之子》現代與傳統的連結", 第二屆印度學術研討會會議,嘉義南華大學, pp.N/A, 2005/10
17楊薇雲, "重寫羅曼史:萊辛《異族婚姻的融合》中的愛情寓言", 文學與語言研討會,中壢萬能科技大學, pp.215~225, 2005/12
18楊薇雲, "The River of Meditation and Purification: Gita Metha's River Sutra", 第三屆印度學學術研討會會議, pp.N/A, 2007/05
19楊薇雲, "A Critical Utopia in Doris Lessing's Shikasta", Utopian Studies Society 9th International Conference, pp.N/A, 2008/07
20楊薇雲, "Reading Doris Lessing's Mara Dann", The Fifth Biennial Conference of the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment at University of Edinburgh, pp.N/A, 2008/07
21楊薇雲, "Women in the Mythic Lands: Doris Lessing's The Cleft and the Marriages between Zones Three, Four, and Five", The 5th International Conference of the Korean Association for Feminist Studies in English Literature: Women, Displacement, and Cultural Identity, pp.11~13, 2009/06
22楊薇雲, "Kunti, Draupadi and Dharma in The Mahabharata: A Feminist Interpretation of the Power of Shakti", 第四屆印度學學術研討會, pp.1~14, 2009/11
23楊薇雲, "The Mahabharata (1989 Film): Peter Brook's Intercultural Translation", The 8th ACS Crossroads 2010 in Cultural Studies in Hong Kong, pp.1~6, 2010/06
24Wei-Yun Yang; 劉季音, "An Inquiry into the Problems of Intercultural Adaptation: Peter Brook's The Mahabharata (1989 Film) in comparison with Indian TV Production (1988)", Reading Indian Epics Conference閱讀印度史詩研討會, pp.1~20, 2010/11